These videos are intended to support science teacher educators working in professional development settings. The models of PD that we show vary from summer PD experiences to job-embedded PD. Central to all PD efforts is a focus on a common set of practices, developing shared language around the practices, performing careful analysis of students’ artifacts and language, and supporting teacher-innovations of the practices.
Here’s also a link to a presentation given by Dr. Jessica Thompson on the work she’s been doing with Networked Improvement Communities in the Highline School District of Washington State (this will take you out of the AST web site).
1. Studio Day Overview
A look at Job-Embedded PD in an authentic setting. This overview outlines and briefly describes the parts of a Studio Day model of professional development model using exemplar footage from a secondary science classroom. (Studio Day Video #1 of 4)
2. Science teacher briefing and co-planning
Introduces ‘ Briefing & Co-Planning’, a key feature of the Studio Day, which is a part of job-embedded Professional Development model that takes place at the beginning of a PD day. The video uses exemplar footage from a secondary science classroom. (Studio Day Video #2 of 4)
3. Co-teaching
This video focuses on the co-teaching piece of the Studio Day model of job-embedded professional development using exemplar footage from a secondary science classroom. (Studio Day Video #3 of 4)
4. De-briefing
Introduces ‘ Debriefing’, a key feature of the Studio Day which is a part of job-embedded Professional Development model which takes place after each round of ‘co-teaching’ in the Studio Day model. The video uses exemplar footage from a secondary science classroom. (Studio Day Video #4 of 4)