In 2011, we launched the ambitious science teaching AST website. The tools and practices were based on what we learned from our partnerships with teachers and district partners. Over the years, elementary and secondary science teachers, teacher educators, and school and district science leaders have critically examined how Ambitious Science Teaching can be combined with justice-centered approaches to work toward a more pluralistic society and equitable vision of science education.
We invite you to be a member of this community. Members can view and respond to tools, practices, and curricular approaches unavailable on the public website. The resources are intended to be starting places, and we invite you to share your iterations and critical perspectives. If you download material we will send you a short survey one month after the download to get your feedback.
If you are interested in becoming a member of this community, please register here
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Advancing Ambitious Equitable Practices group
A network of teachers and coaches advancing ambitious, equitable science teaching practices